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Interventions for Alopecia Areata

Delamere Finola M, Sladden Michael J, Dobbins Helen M, Leonardi Bee Jo
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 7, Art. No. CD004413
Número: 2913 / Publicado em 10/01/2016 - 13:24

Alopecia areata is a disorder in which there is loss of hair causing patches of baldness but with no scarring of the affected area. It can affect the entire scalp (alopecia totalis) or cause loss of all body hair (alopecia universalis). It is a relatively common condition affecting 0.15% of the population. Although in many cases it can be a selflimiting condition, nevertheless hair loss can often have a severe social and emotional impact.

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British Association of Dermatologists: guidelines for the management of alopecia areata 2012

A.G. Messenger, J. McKillop, P. Farrant, A.J. McDonagh and M. Sladden
British Association of Dermatologists 2012 166, pp916-926
Número: 2912 / Publicado em 11/10/2020 - 13:17

This document has been prepared on behalf of the BAD and is based on the best data available when the document was prepared. It is recognized that under certain conditions it may be necessary to deviate from the guidelines, and that the results of future studies may require some of the recommendations herein to be changed. Failure to adhere to these guidelines should not necessarily be considered negligent, nor should adherence to these recommendations constitute a defence against a claim of negligence.

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Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy

Fourth Report of Session 2009–10
House of Commons: Science and Technology Committee
Número: 2911 / Publicado em 21/05/2015 - 14:49

We proceed on the basis that homeopathy is not supported by evidence of efficacy and is therefore no more than a placebo treatment, albeit a popular one. But before we discuss government policy in relation to the evidence, it is important to consider what evidence there is on the effectiveness of homeopathy.

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ADAPTE Process: Resource Toolkit for Guideline Adaptation

The ADAPTE Collaboration (2009)
Guideline International Network (
Número: 2910 / Publicado em 12/05/2015 - 13:02

The development and updating of high-quality practice guidelines require substantial resources, and most organisations are under pressure to produce more guidelines in a shorter time with increasingly limited resources. In order to take advantage of existing guidelines and reduce the duplication of effort, guideline adaptation has been proposed as an option for guideline development.

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Appraisal of Guidelines for REsearch & Evaluation (AGREE)

The AGREE Research Trust, September 2013.
Número: 2909 / Publicado em 05/04/2015 - 11:31

The Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation(AGREE) instrument was developed to address the issue of variability in guideline quality. To that end, the AGREE instrument is a tool that assesses the methodological rigour and transparency in which a guideline is developed. The original AGREE instrument has been refined, which has resulted in the new AGREE II and includes a new User’s Manual.

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Guideline of Guidelines: Prostate Cancer Screening

Stacy Loeb
BJU Int 2014; 114: 323–325
Número: 2908 / Publicado em 06/03/2015 - 16:30

Prostate cancer screening is one of the most controversial topics in urology. On one hand, there is randomised data showing that PSA screening results in earlier stages at diagnosis, improved oncological outcomes after treatment, and lower prostate cancer mortality rates. However, the downsides include unnecessary biopsies due to false-positive PSA tests,over-diagnosis of some insigniï¬cant cancers, and potential side-effects from prostate biopsy and/or prostate cancer treatment. The ongoing controversy is highlighted by the divergent recommendations on screening from multiple professional organisations. The purpose of this article is to summarise the recent guidelines on prostate cancer screening from 2012 to present.

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Retinoids and Pregnancy: an Update

Browne H, Mason G, Tang T.
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2014;16:7–11.
Número: 2907 / Publicado em 06/03/2015 - 16:17

Retinoids are widely used to treat acne, and are known to be teratogenic. When prescribed in women of childbearing age, a pregnancy prevention programme is implemented. This aims to prevent pregnancy during treatment and for at least one month following cessation. Despite these measures, pregnancy still occurs and patients often find it difficult to decide whether to continue with their pregnancy or to pursue a termination.This is compounded by a lack of literature advising professionals on how to counsel these women appropriately and approach their subsequent antenatal care. This article aims to update readers on retinoids, their use and teratogenic effects. It outlines the pregnancy prevention programme and current ways to advise and care for women in which this fails.

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JSH Guidelines for the Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Drafting Committee for Hepatitis Management Guidelines and the Japan Societyof Hepatology
Hepatology Research 2014; 44 (Suppl. 1): 1–58
Número: 2906 / Publicado em 06/03/2015 - 16:03

It is estimated that there are 400 million patients of persistent hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in the world. In Japan, the HBV infection rate is around 1%. HBV infection at birth or during infancy leads to persistent infection in over 90% of cases. Approximately 90% of these undergo seroconversion from HBe antigen (HBeAg) positive at the initial stage to anti-HBe antibody positive and become inactive carriers, and in virtually all cases the condition effectively stabilizes. But in the remaining 10% the virus remains active, leading to chronic hepatitis, and in around 2% of cases annually, there is further progression to liver cirrhosis, with potential for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and liver failure.

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A Nomogram for Calculating the Maximum Dose of Local Anaesthetic

D. J. Williams and J. D. Walker
Anaesthesia 2014, 69, 847–853
Número: 2905 / Publicado em 06/03/2015 - 15:53

Toxic dose limits ( for local anaesthetics based on body weight are well-established, but calculation of the maximum safe volume (ml) of a given agent and formulation is complex, and frequently results in errors. We therefore developed a nomogram to perform this calculation. We compared the performance of the nomogram with a spread sheet and a general purpose calculator using simulated clinical data.

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International Consensus on Drug Allergy

Demoly et al.
Allergy 69 (2014) 420–437 © 2014
Número: 2904 / Publicado em 06/03/2015 - 15:46

When drug reactions resembling allergy occur, they are called drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) before showing the evidence of either drug-specific antibodies or T cells. DHRs may be allergic or nonallergic in nature, with drug allergies being immunologically mediated DHRs. These reactions are typically unpredictable. They can be life-threatening, may require or prolong hospitalization, and may necessitate changes in subsequent therapy. Both under diagnosis (due to under-reporting) and over diagnosis (due to an overuse of the term ‘allergy’) are common.

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