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Guideline of Guidelines: Prostate Cancer Screening

Stacy Loeb
BJU Int 2014; 114: 323–325
Número: 2908 / Publicado em 06/03/2015 - 16:30

Prostate cancer screening is one of the most controversial topics in urology. On one hand, there is randomised data showing that PSA screening results in earlier stages at diagnosis, improved oncological outcomes after treatment, and lower prostate cancer mortality rates. However, the downsides include unnecessary biopsies due to false-positive PSA tests,over-diagnosis of some insigniï¬cant cancers, and potential side-effects from prostate biopsy and/or prostate cancer treatment. The ongoing controversy is highlighted by the divergent recommendations on screening from multiple professional organisations. The purpose of this article is to summarise the recent guidelines on prostate cancer screening from 2012 to present.

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