Profissionais: 7332
Prontuários: 821734

Opiniões dos Usuários

Hi Paulo,

Thanks for taking the time to write me back! I work as an Outreach Coordinator for a cancer support group called I was hoping that you might help us in our efforts to reach out to members of the lung cancer community during this pandemic by posting our link Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer on

Pleural Mesothelioma is a rare lung cancer that is caused by exposure to a fibrous substance known as asbestos that affects the lives of thousands each year. Because mesothelioma is so rare, it can be difficult for us to get the exposure required to bring about awareness and education on this illness. And with COVID-19 sweeping the globe, it is more important than ever now that we protect and support those with a weakened respiratory system.

Here at, we provide patients with treatment information, 24/7 online support, financial aid, and much more on our website that is medically certified as a trustworthy source of cancer information (see bottom right of our site for the official HONcode badge). We also proudly sponsor The American Cancer Society, the MD Cancer Center, and the Make a Wish Foundation.

We hope you can help us support victims of this disease during this frightening pandemic. A simple link to Pleural Mesothelioma Cancer would be incredibly helpful! Let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to address them!

Sarah Walker
Health Outreach Coordinator

Ficou excelente!!

A melhor e mais intuitiva plataforma com que já trabalhei!

São tantos recursos, que eu não consegui ainda me familiarizar com todos!

Parabéns, Dr. Paulo, e obrigado pelo presente!


A.T., MD, 02/6/2020

Caríssima(o), bom dia!

Gostaria de parabeniza-las(os) pelo desenvolvimento desta excelente ferramenta!

Pretendemos utilizar a mesma em uma Clínica de Saúde vinculada a um centro universitário, onde atua uma equipe multidisciplinar.

Visando sairmos do modelo biomédico, em busca do modelo biopsicossocial, por gentileza, gostaria de saber se existe a possibilidade de substituir alguns termos, como "prontuário médico" por "prontuário do paciente" etc.

Gratidão pela atenção!



Hi there,

Could you make a small update for me?

I am working on a national initiative to help raise awareness on new ways to help those suffering from Arthritis

Would you mind sharing it perhaps on your page here?:

Dr. Freeman felt there wasn not a strong guide out there and I am tasked with promoting it so ...


Warmest Regards,
Jocelin Merlin
Director of Public Relations
Arthritis Coalition

Good afternoon,

I hope this finds you well. My name is Sarah Walker and I work with a leading cancer advocacy group. I am reaching out to you today because I noticed you provide some useful resources concerning rare diseases and conditions on and I was wondering if you would be open to including an additional resource?

I would be delighted to discuss more about it if you have any interest! You can always reach me at this same email. And if for some reason we do not connect today, would it be okay for me to try again next week?

I appreciate your time in advance, and look forward to hearing from you.

Sarah Walker, USA 25/03/2018

Caro Dr. Paulo,

Gostaria de parabenizá-lo por tamanha façanha. O portal e o PEP são fantásticos! Gostaria de saber mais como funciona. Estou a disposição para ajudá-lo.

Um forte abraço!

L.M., médico 03/2018

Good afternoon,

My name is Nicole Godfrey and I work in the outreach department at Mesothelioma Guide, an advocacy organization dedicated to helping patients diagnosed with asbestos illnesses. We specialize in assisting patients in understanding which treatment options are best suited for their illness, as well as how to find the right doctors that provide those treatment options.

Because Mesothelioma is a very rare cancer, there are few doctors who treat it, making it all that more difficult for patients to get the treatment they need to extend their prognosis. Im hoping you can assist me by helping to get the word out to mesothelioma patients – as well as anyone exposed to asbestos - that we are here to help.

As an advocacy organization, we don’t charge patients for our assistance, so all of our printed materials, patient advocacy resources & assistance are 100% free of charge to patients and their family members. But, that also means we don’t have the funding that would be necessary for us to advertise our services on TV or in magazines. Therefore, Im reaching out to webmasters who operate websites that are likely to have visitors who may have been exposed to asbestos, or may be suffering from an asbestos related illness like mesothelioma.

I noticed you have a website page linking to health resources here: and I think our site would be a great resource for your users and site. Would you be willing to add a link to our site to help get the word out to the community of asbestos victims and their family members?

Thanks for your time,
Nicole Godfrey
Outreach Associate
Mesothelioma Guide

Question about disabilities information and resources

Hi Paulo,

Thank you so much for writing back! I am with The Simple Dollar, a website dedicated to conducting data driven and unbiased research about topics that can help make an impact in people´s lives. I wanted to ask you about our recent research to get your expert feedback to see if it could be valuable for those who are living with disabilities.

We recently investigated the Social Security Disabilities Benefits and in the course of our research, we found that most people who have become or already living with disabilities are not fully aware of the benefits and resources that are available to them. So, our team spent weeks reviewing the US Social Security Administration´s documentation to develop our 2016 Disability Benefit Guide. This guide breaks down qualifications and the application process, as well as a provides a calculator that can help estimate monthly and annual benefits.

You can see the entire guide along with some of its features here:

Many reputable publications, such as Forbes, Business Insider and The Wall Street Journal have featured our work as a trusted resource. I would love to know what you think of the resource and any insights you have related to this!

I was thinking visitors to your site who are looking for website help would find this useful, can you share our research with your visitors by including it as a link on one of your web pages?

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Kind regards,
Elizabeth Turner
The Simple Dollar

Thank You for Helping Seniors on


I found this page of your site: and I noticed that you are linking out to as a resource for seniors. I wanted to thank you for taking the effort to make this information available to seniors. If I may have just a moment of your time I wanted to suggest a couple important additions to this page which address key issues seniors face today, the issues of chronic pain, addiction and treatment. – This is the government-sponsored search engine of more than 20,000 drug and alcohol treatment providers, offering different methods and levels of care across the country. – This is the most comprehensive resource for seniors with substance abuse and addiction problems available on the web – well-researched, accessible and covers the spectrum of common problems with seniors, substance abuse and recovery.

Painkiller addiction has become an epidemic among seniors today who are faced with chronic pain. Many who don’t seek medical help end up self-medicating with alcohol or other drugs. For these reasons, addiction problems among seniors have been on the sites.

The goal of these resources is to provide comprehensive resources to seniors who need help. The SAMSHA link provides access to treatment, and the Forterus Senior Addiction Center page serves as a guide for seniors with addiction problems, serving as a supplement to the SAMSHA site to guide them through the process of seeking treatment and recovery. The Forterus guide includes 30 citations of the most recent research and authoritative resources. While there are many resources on the web, we found that many of them do not address the most common concerns in a comprehensive and accessible manner.

Best regards,
Ashley Knowles
Outreach Coordinator
PO Box 3204 Santa Monica, CA 90408

Boa Tarde,

Sou usuário deste software, e acho que atende a rotina. Gostaria de sugerir que a gente pudesse fazer mudanças na folha de anamnese, incluindo ou retirando itens. Aguardo também informações sobre quando vão lançar o programa pago, possivelmente com mais recursos. Um que sugeriria seria o envio de SMS aos pacientes lembrando do horário, ou mesmo através do ZAP. Sem mais, desejo sucesso crescente.


C.H., médico 01/2016

Bom Dia,

Primeiramente, parabéns pelo sistema. Achei fantástico. Desde ontem tenho mexido bastante para implantar na clinica em que trabalho. Gostei bastante. Simples, pratico e funcional. Atende bem o que se propoe a fazer. Nao estou conseguindo cadastrar profissionais médicos. Quando lanço o CRM, consta "Ação não realizada! - número de registro no CRM não encontrado". Entretanto o medico esta devidamente registrado no CRM. Poderiam me ajudar, por favor.


W.M., médico 12/2015


I was going over your very useful page: and I noticed you are linking to which is a great resource indeed. I wanted to mention another resource for you to use, that encourages educational blogging and explains the value it has for teachers and students – It is very helpful for any teacher that is thinking about blogging. I would appreciate if you could add it and help other teachers out there.


Lurie Austinser

Prezados, boa tarde!

Realizei o meu cadastro esta semana, e parece que após longa pesquisa, consegui encontrar a ferramenta certa para administrar o meu consultório. Contudo, localizei no site que há a possibilidade de agregar um recurso para controle financeiro. Gostaria de saber como funciona e qual seria o custo.

No aguardo;

H.O., médico


My name is Jake and I came across your site while preparing articles for on information regarding lupus as acknowledges Lupus Awareness Month in May. While researching on the topic, I found your site at and I thought was helpful to me as there were topics and information that have helped me prepare articles for my research! I wanted to shoot you an e-mail because while I know it can be tough finding reliable material on line, I really thank you for being such a great help and resource to me even if you did not know you were. :)

Although while I mention help, I wanted to get in touch with you too to let you know about a broken link on your page that might confuse some visitors. While I was on, I tried to access and I was taken to a page that was not found. I could not find a way to access the Lupus Foundation of Americas site from and I did a quick search and it appears that has since moved to

An easy fix! :)

If you could use additional resources, I also have a resource of my own to share for your page! is a comprehensive and informative on many cases of arthritis like symptoms and types especially dealing with Lupus. Our expert, Mariah Zebrowski Leach, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2008 at the age of 25 and since then, has learned a great deal about various forms of arthritis while researching and blogging about her own condition. Actively involved with awareness and advocacy through the Arthritis Foundation, she is also a member of the Arthritis Ambassador Program. Mariah and her family have raised over $10,000 for arthritis research!!

I really think your sites visitors will find useful! Please check it out and let me know what you think and if you know of any additional lupus or health related resources that would be helpful to me, please let me know. Since we are going to be acknowledge Lupus Awareness Month in May, I do not want to miss any other great sites!

Thanks again for your time and a site I was able to use for research, hope to hear from you soon!

Jake Niehaus
989 Avenue of the Americas, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10018

Hello Friends at Saude Direta,

My name is Alicia Sims with Drug Dangers ( While I was browsing through a number of health related sites, I came across your website and was very impressed by the information you have listed. I’m writing you to see if you may be interested in including a link to our site on your page. I noticed you already link to some other prescription medicine related websites and we would love to be included as an additional resource.

Drug Dangers is committed to providing the latest information on a range of medications and medical devices that have serious complications. If you’re interested, I would love to hear your thoughts about our website. I really appreciate your time and consideration.

Alicia Sims
Outreach Coordinator - Drug Dangers

Já tenho o cadastro há um certo tempo, mas somente agora estou iniciando meu consultório. Estive testando outras plataformas, mas achei esta de muito fácil acesso. Gostaria de saber se já existe um número grande de usuários e se existe a possibilidade de em algum momento não estar mais disponível e eu vir a perder meus dados. Desde já agradeço e parabenizo pela proposta que, apesar de gratuita, é uma das melhores que encontrei!

C.M.I, médico

Sou farmacêutica clínica e diariamente utilizo ferramentas de análise de interações medicamentosas, experimentei a ferramenta existente no site e achei bem interessante, por trazer facilmente todas as interações existentes a partir da prescrição médica, além da facilidade de estar em português e ser de uma fonte confiável.

Juliana Locatelli
Unidade de Geriatria
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - SP

Sexta-feira, 16 de Julho de 2010

Ref: ANVISA - Resposta ao protocolo número 2010214279

Prezado Senhor,
Em atenção à sua solicitação, parabenizamos os responsáveis pela iniciativa, que certamente vem contribuir com o uso de medicamentos de forma racional. A ausência de fontes de informações confiáveis sobre medicamentos realmente é um problema enfrentado pelos profissionais de saúde no Brasil e ferramentas como essa são fundamentais para a melhoria da qualidade de vida de nossa população.

Esclarecemos apenas que, caso sejam divulgadas propagandas de medicamentos, devem ser seguidas as regras estabelecidas pela Resolução RDC número 96/2008, apesar de acreditarmos que fontes de dados científicos devam evitar a veiculação de informações cujo objetivo seja a promoção comercial de medicamentos.

Além disso, sugerimos que o Portal seja acessível também aos profissionais farmacêuticos, que são os responsáveis pela dispensação desses produtos, além da avaliação da prescrição e de outras informações relevantes. Acreditamos que as informações apresentadas são úteis também a esses profissionais, contribuindo ainda mais para a segurança do tratamento dos usuários.


Anvisa Atende
Central de Atendimento
Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária
0800 642 9782 -

Meu Prezado Paulo,

Super interessante seu trabalho e perfeitamente em harmonia com aquele que realizo, seja como docente/pesquisador na área de medicina social (ênfase em estudos do âmbito da fármaco-epidemiologia), como na condição de ativista militando na AIS (Acción Internacional para la Salud), rede da qual sou um dos co-fundadores para América Latina (, da qual a SOBRAVIME é membro!!!

Espero estar contribuindo com o Portal, de imediato, através de textos de minha autoria (dois artigos e dois livros, um deles, fruto do pós-doutorado na Agencia Española Del Medicamento, e o mais recente, na condição de co-autor e organizador). Convidei vários colegas da área em distintos países, sugerindo o tema sobre o qual deveriam refletir!!!

Claro que você pode fazer o uso do material que lhe aprouver, repassando-o ou inserindo-o no portal!!!

Sugiro que você acesse o sitio web de nossa entidade na Nicarágua clicando no link "Excellencis" e se deparará com interessante trabalho de orientação à boa prescrição médica. Passarei seu e-mail para o Coordenador, Dr. Benito Marchand. Estaremos em contato, antecipando que iniciativas como a sua, integram, em forma concreta e plena, os propósitos da AIS!!!

Grande Abraço,

José Augusto Cabral de Barros (Curriculo Lattes)

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